• Compact Disc Easter
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Compact Disc Easter

CD Pasen

  • CD12

€ 10,00 Inclusief belasting

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Description CD Pasen

The beginning resounds with the chant of the Exsultet, solemn proclamation of Easter. This magnificent piece, replete with theological teaching, is chanted by a soloist who faces the paschal candle : «This is the night which now delivers from the corrupt world blinded by evil, those who throughout the universe have put their faith in Christ».
An excerpt of a reading from Genesis sets the tone of that long vigil, which is also a recollection of the essential events in salvation history which surround the advent of the Redeemer.
The triumphant hymn Salve festa dies, processional chant which bursts forth enthusiastically at each refrain, opens the Solemn Mass of Easter Day. The parts of the Mass follow, from the Introit, the more reserved Resurrexi, expressing a profoundly interior joy, to the jubilantly rejoicing Gradual Hæc Dies.
The Sequence Victimæ paschali adds the excitement of its joyous climax Scimus Christum surrexisse («We know indeed : Christ is truly risen!»), exclamation of faith which has remained that of Christians throughout the ages.
The Sequence Victimæ paschali adds the excitement of its joyous climax Scimus Christum surrexisse («We know indeed : Christ is truly risen!»), exclamation of faith which has remained that of Christians throughout the ages.

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