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Pray the Rosary (Page 1)
Pray the Rosary (Page 1) Pray the Rosary (Recto) Pray the Rosary (Verso)

Kleurenbrochure over de 20 mysteries van de rozenkrans in het engels

  • DEP001E

€ 0,83 Inclusief belasting

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Kleurenbrochure over de 20 mysteries van de rozenkrans in het engels. Auteur : a monk of Saint Joseph Abbey - Editeur : Traditions Monastiques

Description Kleurenbrochure over de 20 mysteries van de rozenkrans in het engels

“Wishing to be more and more transparent to the mystery of Christ in order to meditate on the ‘mysteries' of His Gospel, the Church learns at the school of Mary... I hope that all believers, together with the Virgin, may start out with determination on the path of holiness, keeping their gaze fixed on Jesus and meditating, with the Rosary, on the mysteries of salvation” (John Paul II, General Audience of 29 October 2003).
The Rosary is composed of twenty decades, each of which is the con- templation of a mystery of the Gospel. There are four sets of five decades: the joyful, the luminous, the sorrowful and the glorious.

Datasheet Kleurenbrochure over de 20 mysteries van de rozenkrans in het engels

  • Bestelnummer


  • Auteur

    Een monnik van de abdij van Saint Joseph de Clairval

  • Naam van het product

    Kleurenbrochure over de 20 mysteries van de rozenkrans in het engels

  • Uitgever

    Traditions Monastiques

  • Dimensie

    open : 14,85 x 42 cm - closed : 10,5 x 14,85 cm

  • Fabrikant

    Traditions Monastiques (FRANCE)

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