Religious items shop

For your gifts of baptism, communion, profession of faith, marriage, etc ...

Shop managed by the monks of St-Joseph de Clairval Abbey
Icons, diptychs and triptychs are made by monks
Quality religious articles (crucifix, statues, medals, etc.)

Our flagship religious products

Gift ideas for communion, baptism and other religious events

Catholic religious shop

Religious objects and monastic products on sale on our shop

In 2005, the site opened mainly to offer religious objects made by the monks of the abbey of St. Joseph Clairval: icons, diptychs, triptychs, books and Gregorian chant cd's. Since then, to meet the demand of Internet users, we have expanded our offer; you will find on our religious shop a large selection of Catholic religious articles. Our site obviously keeps its original appearance by the presence of many monastic products made by the Monks of Flavigny.

Quality of religious objects

We are committed to offering quality religious objects by choosing preferably French or European manufacturers. We want our religious articles have a fair lifetime. The quality appear in the choice of materials, the method of manufacture, the finish of religious articles and the finesse or precision of the work.

Beauty of monastic products and religious objects

We want to offer our customers beautiful religious articles that they never tire of looking at and that bring to piety. One of the goals of art is to elevate the soul to spiritual realities, to go from sensitive realities to spiritual ones. Therefore, beauty of religious objects invites us to take a contemplative look at the spiritual realities they refer to.

Beauty has an aspect both subjective and objective. A beautifully recognized religious article by a large number of people speaks in favor of this objective beauty. The opinions of the customers that you can read on the sheet of the various products, express their appreciation of this beauty and will help you in your choice.

Brief description of religious articles

Although our religious shop is dedicated to religious articles of all kinds, it has some specificities compared to other religious stores online by the large number of religious icons, diptychs and triptychs found there. Made by the monks from the abbey, they are real monastic products.

In the "Objects of Piety" menu you will find unclassifiable religious objects (scapular, holy water, novena candle, etc ...).

The "religious themes" menu offers a classification of religious articles according to the main topics. In this way you can visualize on a single page all the religious products of a specific theme, for example the miraculous medal of the rue du Bac.

If you can not find the item you are looking for on our religious shop, do not hesitate to contact us, because being attentive to everyone's needs, we will try to find what you are looking for.

Are religious articles blessed?

The blessing of religious objects is a highly commendable practice and has been in use in the Church, most likely since its inception. But a blessed object can not be sold and the blessing is absolutely free. For these reasons we bless the articles simply on your request, that you can signify at the time of your order. In this way the blessing is made on religious items already sold. For more details on the blessing of objects, you can read this article from our blog: Blessing of Religious Objects.

Why buy religious items?

God who is pure spirit, wanted to make himself visible in the person of his Son Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary for our eternal salvation. Thus our relationship with God is mediated by sensible realities. In doing so, God has adapted to human nature, both body and soul.

The man who is an incarnate spirit, needs sensitive landmarks so that his relationship with God does not vanish in the abstract. The religious object is one of the means that providence offers to Christians. Moreover, religion is rooted in social life and gives man the possibility of sanctifying and supernaturalizing the simplest human actions. In this perspective the religious article offers a significant help.

On what occasions can we offer a religious article?

The souvenir gift

The gift is a way of perpetuating human relationships; thus with the religious gift, offered at the important stages of the Christian life (baptism, confirmation, communion, profession of faith, etc ...), a sensitive memory makes it possible to make present its strong moments of the Christian life. How many Catholics are attached to a medal received on the day of their baptism?

The birthday present

It is good to know how to thank and give thanks for the benefits received; on this occasion a religious gift can be offered on the anniversary of an event of the past, especially when it has guided all life; for example for the silver wedding, for the 25 years of priesthood. Offering a religious gift is a way of encouraging fidelity that has lasted 25 years.

Christian holidays

To offer a religious gift at Christmas is an opportunity to remember its sacredness: the birth of Christ the Savior.

Prayer corner, domestic oratory, personal devotion

For family prayer, every evening, a well-decorated place that brings to devotion, will facilitate this meeting where children and parents are on their knees before their Creator and Savior, or his divine Mother.

Interior decoration

Putting copies of sacred works of art in your home, will help you during the day to raise your eyes towards God or heavenly realities.

How to navigate our religious shop

To find the religious objects you are looking for, two ways are available to you:

Research area

It is clearly visible in the center, in the header of each page:

- for the search to yield a result, it must be at least three characters;

- When the search phrase includes several words separated by a space, the result will be all religious articles that contain at least one of the words.

- the search for religious objects is of the type "begins with"; if you type "icon", the result of the search will include all religious products including the word "icon" or "icons".

Horizontal menu bar

The labels of the menus, quite clear in themselves, indicate the main categories of religious articles. By hovering over each menu, a pop-up window appears in which the various sub-menus or subcategories are summarized. By clicking on each menu title all religious items belonging to the menu in question and submenus are displayed.

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Tout est parfait depuis que je commande chez les frères de Saint Joseph
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Je leur ai commandé essentiellement des cartes de prière depuis que je connais leur boutique... Tout est fait avec soin, et la proposition de bénédiction après le paiement est vraiment un plus non négligeable. Et les prix notamment pour les cartes de prière défient toute concurrence du web. Un grand merci à eux. En Christ et Marie, Jean

By jean a. the 10/21/2024
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extrêmement satisfait de tout ce qui nous relie, mon épouse et moi même, à l'abbaye saint joseph de Clairval avec une immense émotion quand nous recevons des neuvaines bénies. Un immense merci. Martine et Jacques.

By Jacques D. the 10/21/2024
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Merci de votre envoi, bien reçu,. Bon produit bien emballé et bien reçu encore merci. Bien cordialement. Michel Cahuzac

By Michel C. the 10/20/2024
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