statue of Immaculate Conception, 34 cm
- IC34IV
€148.50 Tax included
Data sheet statue of Immaculate Conception, 34 cm
Immaculate Conception
Name of the product
statue of Immaculate Conception, 34 cm
32 cm
à la base 11 de large x 10,5 cm
Atelier saint Joseph (FRANCE)
plaster polyester
1,8 kg
First name
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Height : 20 cm - Material : plaster polyester - Color : light wood Reference: VA20BC- €150.00
Statue of Sacred Heart, 45 cm
Height : 45 cm - Material : plaster polyester - Color : light wood Reference: SC45BC- €284.17
Crucifix - 38 cm
Height : 25 cm (Christ), 38 cm (the Cross) - Material : plaster polyester (Christ), wood of fir tree (the Cross) Reference: CRUX9- €137.50
Christ on pedestal base, 50 cm
Height : 27 cm (Christ), 50 cm (the Cross) - Material : plaster polyester (Christ), wood of fir tree (the Cross) Reference: CRUX10- €174.17
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