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There are 43 products.
Scapular of Saint Michael...
Scapular of Saint Michael the Archangel. Height : 52 cm (length of cords) - Dimension : 5,5 cm x 5 cm - Material : Black and midnight blue wool fabric Reference: SCP2305-MIC- €8.75
Diptych of Virgin with the...
Left pannel : Icon of the Virgin with the Child - Right pannel : quotation from St Augustine Reference: D7A- €40.00
Diptych of the Virgin of...
Left pannel : Icon of the Virgin of the Rosary - Right pannel : the prayer to Our Lady: Sub tuum... Reference: D25D- €40.00
Diptych of the Virgin of...
Left pannel : Icon of the Virgin of Vladimir - Right pannel : welcome wishes Reference: D101A- €40.00
'Our-Lady Auxiliatrice'
"Ayez une confiance éperdue en l'hostie et en Notre-Dame Auxiliatrice, et vous verrez ce que sont les miracles." Saint Jean Bosco Reference: D136A- €40.00
Diptyque du Coeur Immaculé...
Left pannel : Icon of the Immaculate Heart of Marie - Right pannel : The Hail Mary Reference: D137A- €40.00
Diptych of Our Lady of...
Left pannel : Icon of Notre-Dame du Perpétuel Secours - Right pannel : the prayer to our Lady of Perpétuel Secours Reference: DR10- €40.00
Diptych of the Virgin of...
Left pannel : Icon of the Virgin of Vladimir - Right pannel : Quotation from Saint Bernard Reference: D3A- €40.00
'Virgin of Pieta'
Marie est Mère de Dieu pour tout obtenir et Mère des hommes pour tout accorder. Reference: D6A- €40.00
Diptych of the Virgin in...
Left pannel : Icon of the Virgin in the Child and Saint John the Baptist - Right pannel : a prayer to our Lady Reference: D8D- €40.00
Diptych of Our Lady of...
Left pannel : Icon of Notre-Dame du Perpétuel Secours - Right pannel : a quotation from St Alphonsus de Liguori Reference: D4A- €40.00
Diptych of the Virgin with...
Left pannel : Icon of the Virgin with the Child - Right pannel : a quotation from St Alphonsus de Liguori Reference: D5A- €40.00
Diptych of The Virgin of...
Left pannel : The Virgin of the Rosary - Right pannel : the Beatitudes (MT 5, 3-12) Reference: D25A- €40.00
Diptyque de La Vierge qui...
Left pannel : Icon of the Virgin who loves men - Right pannel : the Memorare of Saint Bernard Reference: D32A- €40.00
Diptych of The Virgin of...
Il y aura toujours de beaux jours pour ceux qui ont de la beauté dans le cœur. J. Folliet Reference: D43A- €40.00
Diptych of Pieta with a...
Left pannel : Pieta - Right pannel : a quotation from St Bernard of Clairvaux Reference: D48A- €40.00
Diptyque d'une Statue de la...
Left pannel : Statue of the Virgin - Right pannel : le Magnificat Reference: D68B- €40.00
Diptych of Coronation of...
Left pannel : Coronation of the Blessed Virgin - Right pannel : the Salve Regina Reference: D69A- €40.00
Diptych of The Virgin...
Left pannel : The Virgin and Child - Right pannel : Domenica saint in speech Reference: D70A- €40.00
Diptych of The Virgin of...
Left pannel : The Virgin of Vladimir - Right pannel : the hymn Ave Maris Stella Reference: D73A- €40.00
Diptyque de La Vierge du...
Left pannel : Icon of the Virgin of the Magnificat - Right pannel : The canticle Magnificat in French Reference: D78A- €40.00
'Mary, Gate of Heaven'
Left pannel : Mary, Gate of Heaven - Right pannel : the anthem Ave Regina Caelorum Reference: D79A- €40.00
Diptyque de La Vierge du...
Left pannel : Image of the statue of the Virgin of the smile - Right pannel : a quotation from the Book of Isaiah Reference: D80A- €40.00
Diptych of The Virgin of...
Elle est plus Mère que Reine Sainte Thérèse de l'Enfant Jésus Reference: D80B- €40.00
Diptych of The Virgin of...
La Sainte Vierge... Jamais elle ne manque de me protéger aussitôt que je l'invoque ! Sainte Thérèse de l'Enfant Jésus et de la sainte Face Reference: D80D- €40.00
Diptyque de La Vierge de...
Left pannel : Icon of The Virgin of Light and the Child Jesus - Right pannel : Quotation from Saint Therese of the Child Jesus Reference: D83A- €40.00
Diptych of Our Lady Mother...
Quel refuge plus assuré que le sein compatissant de Marie ? C'est là que le pauvre trouve un abri, le malade la santé, l'affligé la consolation, le délaissé son secours, et celui qui est dans la... Reference: D96A- €40.00
Diptyque de La Vierge Marie...
Left pannel : The Virgin Mary with the Child Jesus - Japanese Virgin - Right pannel : the prayer to Our Lady: Sub tuum... Reference: D119A- €40.00
Triptych of The Marriage of...
L'homme quittera son père et sa mère, il s'attachera à sa femme, et tous deux ne feront plus qu'un. (Eph 5, 31) Reference: D135A- €40.00
Diptych of Virgin of the...
Left pannel : le The Hail Mary - Right pannel : Icon of the Virgin of the Rosary with St Dominic Reference: D628A- €40.00
Diptych of Our Lady of...
Left pannel : Icon of Our Lady of Mount Carmel - Right pannel : an invocation to Mary Reference: D125- €40.00
Diptych of Our Lady of...
Left pannel : Saint John Diego and the miracle of flowers - Right pannel : Our Lady of Guadalupe Reference: D629A- €40.00
Diptych of Our Lady of the...
Panneau gauche : Icône de Notre-Dame de l'Alliance - Panneau droit : l'hymne à la Charité de Saint Paul (1 Co 13, 4-8) Reference: D35B- €40.00
Diptych of The Virgin of...
Left pannel : Icon of The Virgin of Light and the Child Jesus - Right pannel : The Hail Mary Reference: D83B- €40.00
Diptych of the Virgin who...
Left pannel : Icon of the Virgin who loves men - Right pannel : Quotation from Saint Therese of the Child Jesus Reference: D32B- €40.00
Diptych of Our Lady of...
Left pannel : Icon of Notre-Dame du Perpétuel Secours - Right pannel : a quote from Saint John Bosco Reference: D4B- €40.00
Diptyque de la Vierge de...
Left pannel : Icon of the Virgin of Korsun - Right pannel : the hymn Ave Maris Stella Reference: D10C- €40.00
Diptych of the Virgin who...
Left pannel : Icon of the Virgin who loves men - Right pannel : le Magnificat Reference: D32D- €40.00
Diptych of the Coronation...
Left pannel : Icon of Coronation of the Blessed Virgin - Right pannel : the Regina Caeli Reference: D69G- €40.00
Diptych of the Immaculate...
Left pannel : Extrait de la consécration du monde à Notre-Dame par Jean-Paul II (1984) - Right pannel : the Immaculate Heart of Marie Reference: D163- €40.00
Diptyque de la Vierge à...
Left pannel : Icon of the Virgin with the Child - Right pannel : le "Je vous salue Marie" Reference: D112B- €40.00
Diptyque de la Vierge à...
Left pannel : Icon of the Virgin with the Child - Right pannel : Quotation from Saint Therese of the Child Jesus on confidence Reference: D112C- €40.00