Pilgrims of Emmaüs with a quotation from the Gospel of Saint John
- D18B
€40.00 Tax included
Description Pilgrims of Emmaüs with a quotation from the Gospel of Saint John
The religious diptych that we offer here is an ideal first communion gift. The two panels, in solid oak, are connected by quality copper hinges. The printing and collage of images made with great finesse, as well as the assembly of the pieces, are the work of the Icon workshop of Saint Joseph of Clairval Abbey. Je suis le Pain de vie ! (Jn 6, 35)
The left pane reproduces a famous painting by Rembrandt. The artist represented there the scene of the evangelical episode of the disciples of Emmaus (Luke 24,13…), Cleophas and his companion, at the moment when they recognize Christ. Let's take the trouble to put the event in context. After the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth, two disciples leave Jerusalem for Emmaus; for fear of possible prosecution and to seek a relief from their great disappointment. They expected to see the restoration of the kingdom of Israel and with the death of Jesus, their hopes were dashed. As they walk, a stranger joins them: it is the risen Jesus, but he has made himself unrecognizable. He questions them as if he was ignoring recent events. "You are the only one in all of Jerusalem who does not know that they crucified Jesus of Nazareth, a powerful prophet in deeds and words. We were hoping that he was the Messiah ..., and he's been gone for three days. Jesus then opens the Scriptures to them from Moses to the prophets, showing them that Christ had to suffer in order to enter into his glory. Their hearts were all burning when he spoke. Arriving at Emmaus, the stranger pretends to continue on his way, but the disciples hold him back: "Mane nobiscum quoniam advesperascit ... Stay with us, because it is getting late and the day is already falling. We can make this evangelical text a daily prayer: without you Lord, it is the night that awaits us, stay with us. During the meal Jesus takes the bread, blesses it and breaks it. The disciples' eyes then open and they recognize the Lord at the breaking of the bread, just before the latter disappears in their eyes. This expression "fraction of the bread" remained in use in Christian antiquity to designate the holy Eucharist. Fathers of the Church have often said that Jesus celebrated Mass on this occasion. This brings us to the second part of the diptych which presents a calligraphy of a text from the Gospel of Saint John (Jn 6, 48.), an original work by a monk from the Abbey. Jesus predicted the institution of the Holy Eucharist there after having multiplied the loaves to feed the crowd. Do not work for food that is lost, but for food that remains for eternal life. I am the Living Bread, says Jesus, speaking of the Eucharist which makes his body, his blood, his soul and his divinity present.
Quotation :
Data sheet Pilgrims of Emmaüs with a quotation from the Gospel of Saint John
Name of the product
Pilgrims of Emmaüs with a quotation from the Gospel of Saint John
open : 22 cm x 15 cm closed : 10,7 cm x 15 cm
Traditions Monastiques (FRANCE)
Right pannel
a quotation from the Gospel of Saint John
Left pannel
Icon of Pilgrims of Emmaüs
wild cherry wood
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