Triptych of The Light in the darkness with a quote in Netherlander
- TRT5145
€46.67 Tax included
Description Triptych of The Light in the darkness with a quote in Netherlander
Quotation : Een Licht is opgegaan uit de duisternis voor de oprechten:
de Heer is genadig, barmhartig en rechtvaardig. ps 111
Data sheet Triptych of The Light in the darkness with a quote in Netherlander
Name of the product
Triptych of The Light in the darkness with a quote in Netherlander
15 cm
open : 22 cm x 15 cm closed : 11,5 cm x 15 cm
Traditions Monastiques (FRANCE)
Central pannel
Christus in kruizen in de halfschaduw
Lateral pannels
oak wood
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