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There are 14 products.

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  • 'Jesus Christ and His Church'

    Author : Father G. Ferbeck - Editor : Traditions Monastiques Reference: L1102E
    • €10.50
  • 'Geht alle zu Josef !'

    Editor : Traditions Monastiques Reference: L1103D
    • €16.00
  • 'The Glories of Saint Joseph'

    Dimension : Quality paperback - 256 pages - Layout 8" x 5" - Eight prints Reference: L1103E
    • €12.00
  • 'Id a José'

    Editor : Traditions Monastiques Reference: L1103SP
    • €5.50
  • 'Das Skapulier unserer...

    Das Skapulier unserer Lieben Frau vom Berge Karmel. Author : von einem Mönch der Abtei Saint-Joseph de Clairval - Editor : Traditions Monastiques Reference: L1106D
    • €6.00
  • 'A Garment of Salvation :...

    A Garment of Salvation : The scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Author : by a Monk of Saint Joseph Abbey (Flavigny, France) Reference: L1106E
    • €4.60
  • Scapulare de Monte Carmelo

    'Scapulare de Monte Carmelo'

    Reference: L1106I
    • €4.00
  • I believe in Jesus-Christ...

    I believe in Jesus-Christ the Son of God. Author : By a monk of the Abbey Joseph de Clairval - Editor : Monastiques Traditions Reference: L1109E
    • €3.00
  • 'Mit den Heiligen auf den...

    Mit den Heiligen auf den Spuren Jesu Christi. Editor : Traditions Monastiques Reference: L1120D
    • €12.00
  • 'El Escapulario de Nuestra...

    El Escapulario de Nuestra Señora del Carmen. Author : Abadía San José de Clairval - Editor : Traditions Monastiques Reference: L1106SP
    • €3.50
  • Spiritual Exercices

    'Spiritual Exercices'

    Author : Saint Ignatius (translation Louis Puhl) - Editor : Traditions Monastiques Reference: L1101E
    • €15.00
  • Color brochure on the 20...

    Color brochure on the 20 mysteries of the rosary in english. Auteur : a monk of Saint Joseph Abbey - Editeur : Traditions Monastiques Reference: DEP001E
    • €1.00
  • Card-prayer of Merciful...

    Card-prayer of Merciful Christ of Cracow. Reference: CB1134
    • €12.00

    Dimension : 81 pages - Author : Traducción de Isabel Devoto Reference: LE1209E
    • €0.00

Showing 1-14 of 14 item(s)